- leeks, thinly sliced (I used the ends of two stalks)
- whipping cream (I used 3 dollops of sour cream and a splash of half and half)
- 2 eggs
- butter for frying and for greasing your baking dish
- salt and pepper to taste, any other herbs you might feel like adding to garnish
- * grated parmesan or other cheese (I added parmesan halfway through eating it just to see how it would taste and it added a flavour EXPLOSION! This recipe holds its' own without but if you're craving cheesey eggs definitely try it!)
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Grease the base and sides of ramekin type thing (I think a muffin tray would work ok too)
- Melt butter in a frying pan and cook leeks over medium heat, approx. 3-5 minutes, stirring frequently, until soft and translucent, but not browned.
- Add cream (2 of the dollops) and cook over low heat until leeks are very soft and cream has thickened a little. Season to taste.
- Place ramekin in a small roasting pan and portion leek mixture into the bottom of the ramekin. Break egg on top of the leeks (or eggs, depending on how big your baking dish is - mine fits 2 eggs but individual portions would be cute and a larger dish could be practical). Spoon third dollop of cream onto the eggs.
- Pour boiling water into the roasting pan to come up halfway up the sides of the ramekins or baking dish you're using. Transfer pan into preheated oven and bake for about 10 minutes or until eggs are just set.
- If you want to add cheese you can add it after like I did, or maybe try mixing it into the creamy leek mixture before cracking eggs onto it.
- Enjoy and pretend you're in France, where apparently baked eggs are super popular!
Recipe adapted from:
"Best Ever Three & Four Ingredient Cookbook," by Jenny White and Joanna Farrow and can be found here: http://www.allabouthealthyrecipes.com/side-dishes-recipes/baked-eggs-with-creamy-leeks.php